Welcome to

Penny Lane Designs

Jonathan Stiebeling created a design company offering branding, photography, packaging, and advertising solutions. He stays current with the latest design trends and delivers personalized customer service, producing high-quality designs that get results.

Work Experience

What I've
Been Up To.

April 2023 – Current

Retail Graphic Designer for The Ringling store. Development of new artwork and layouts for new store merchandise.  Signage, Apparel, Product Photography, Promotional goods.

Jan 2020 – July 2023

Senior Designer working with design team (remote and in office) to develop new toys and games for specialty domestic and mass market international sales. Working with every aspect to develop Packaging, Manuals, Marketing, social media, and Focus Groups to produce a fun, affordable, exciting items. Hands on start to finish on all products.

Jan 2013 – Jan 2020

Senior Designer overseeing product development team for new toy designs to produce and sell to specialty and mass-market customers. We would work from the ground up brainstorming with the team for new ideas to implementing those ideas into final products. Working with every department to develop Packaging, Manuals, Marketing, Social-Media, and Focus Groups to produce a fun affordable item. While building and fostering a great work atmosphere where everyone enjoyed work and each other. Building up team members by examples.


JD is a highly skilled designer with creative ideas, strong attention to detail, and excellent leadership skills. He communicates effectively and successfully lead projects, keeping timelines and budgets on track. JD is a valuable asset to any team or organization.
-Happy Customers

Years of Experience
Over 20+ years of Design experience
Always keeping updated and learning new technics in the design field.
Team Player
Always a fun creative time with JD as a team leader. Driving all artists to be the best they can.

Trusted By

Companies I’ve designed for.